Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

Silverfish Control – Get Rid of Silverfish Permanently

Silverfish Control - Get Rid of Silverfish PermanentlyClick the image above to visit the site "100 Percent Natural Solution to Completely eliminate silverfish From your home in as little as 6 days…"

They eat clothes, plants and food (they lay eggs in food too!)… and worse… they will eat the glue behind wallpaper, which will cost you THOUSANDS to fix…

The bad news is that if you have silverfish in your home already, it’s going to get worse… much worse.

For every ONE female silverfish in your home, you can expect another 50-100 more silverfish to come from her alone…

…and from every one of those 50-100 eggs, at least 30-60 will be females, which means each of those will lay another 50-100 eggs…

I still remember the feeling of horror when I pulled out a silverfish from my daughter’s clothing. They are just the most disgusting creatures you can imagine.

I used to lie awake at night, knowing they were all through the house… laying their crusty little eggs in the food my daughter and I ate.

I was sick of feeling embarrassed when guests came over, sick of trying to hide the marks on the wallpaper and the dead bugs we would find around the home.

I tried everything, including calling an exterminator. They were happy to take… Read more…

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