Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

How To Write A Screenplay

How To Write A ScreenplayClick the image above to visit the site Is this you: Your finished screenplay sits in your lap. It’s your masterpiece, and it has taken you many long months (or possibly years) to finish. You keep reading and analyzing and trying to pinpoint any possible weak points in your storyline. You give a copy to your friends to read, to co-workers, to your neighbors…and probably even your mom, hoping for their approval and input in case you missed something. After all, you only have one shot at this, and you better have your script perfect on its first submission. If Hollywood agents and producers don’t like what they read the first time around, your script is forever dead.

Whether it be a horror film, a love story, an adventure movie, a comedy, or any other genre of film, the Seven Moments are the universal foundation to every storyline. Without them, your story will fail miserably. My book exposes these secret moments and teaches you how to capitalize on their attention-grabbing power.

Captivating an audience is tough work. I’m here to help you. I’ve written a book about the Seven most powerful Moments within a movie that keep your audience’s eyeballs glued to the screen. Ever notice how some movies put you to sleep? And some… Read more…

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